Be even more amazing with people.

Relatable is the platform for you to capture, prioritize, remember, and nurture your business and personal relationships... authentically.

What if you became the person that was always in touch and organized with the people that matter? How would that help you?

We get it. Your most important asset are your relationships. Your relationships are crucial to generating repeat and referral customers. Your relationships create the dream partnerships, even if it takes months or years. Your relationships are how you find the right partner, gig, team, or investors for your mission.

Either way, you are confident that your network is essential, because "you can only connect the dots looking backward."

That doesn't mean it's easy. Your network feels like a vast and ever-changing sea, with a multitude of faces appearing and disappearing like waves. You have no idea who's in there, and not sure what you can do to stay afloat without drowning yourself in endless calls and emails. It keeps feeling like the people you care most about float away.

If only there was something that would keep us organized and focused on the right people.

Luckily, your life raft has arrived.

It's called Relatable, and it's built to make you even more awesome with people.

Here's how it works.

Relatable tracks the people you're interacting with (in a secure, not-creepy way), and helps you pick out the people you want to stay in touch with. For what feels like the first time ever, you can visualize your network, who's in it, and all the little details about each one of them.

Relatable acts as your personal networking coach. We'll let you know if it might be time to reconnect with one of those people you care about. We also keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, and anything else that might help you figure out who, when, and how to reach out.

There is a lot more that Relatable can do, but we want to keep it short for now.

Relatable makes you even more amazing and memorable with the relationships that matter to your job, business, and life. The world seems pretty lonely, and you have the ability to make it feel a bit more connected, each and every day.

If you're ready, create an account today to get started.

Relationship management doesn't have to suck.

Online Store - Saaslify X Webflow Template

Works in the background

We do most of the work, tracking most of your interactions, identifying opportunities to reach out, and reminding you.

Facebook And Instagram - Saaslify X Webflow Template

Easy to use

With 11 years of experience researching how humans build relationships and building tools for it, we've built the best UX for it.

Google Shopping - Saaslify X Webflow Template

... and maybe a bit fun?

We've incorporating a lot of fun aspects into our platform that you'll just have to see to believe. Life can feel like a game some times, can't our tools do the same?

So many cool parts, we're probably forgetting some.

Inbox/Calendar Tracking

Works with Gmail, Exchange, and more.

LinkedIn/CSV Import

Got a spreadsheet of people? Bring it in, and we'll add/update appropriately

Zapier Integration

Connect Relatable with 5,000+ apps and do all sorts of cool stuff.

Duplicate Handler

There aren't two Zvi Bands in the world. Your database shouldn't have two, either.

Remember the Details

Record that random fact, meeting, or note and @-mention the right people.

Know to Follow Up

Keep touch with your top people monthly, your past clients quarterly - we'll help.

Remember When...

Capture any quick tasks or follow ups you need to take with people.

Full Export

It's your data. Take it with you, instantly.

Powerful Filters

Need your past clients in Tulsa who you haven't spoken to in a year? Check.

Bulk Actions

Grab groups of contacts and notes, changes topics, locations, anything.

Make Introductions

We handle the full flow of making incredible double-opt in introductions easy.

1:1 at Scale

Write one template, then customize what each person receives.

Organizing Game

Huh? You made organizing relationships fun? I know.

Open Tracking

Know if/when someone opens your messages, or if they just hate you.

Email Templates

Build up a library of messages to make it easy to engage next time.

Birthdays and More

Who doesn't love to hear from you on a birthday or dog adoption anniversary?

Full Profiles

See someones interactions, notes, custom fields, and contact info, in one place.

Clean Locations

Relatable automagically organizes contacts by city, and handles duplicates.

Live Office Hours

Share feature ideas, get tips and tricks, and meet other Relatable users.

Public Roadmap

We're building for you, with you. Add your wish list and upvote others. We'll build it!

Seamless Messaging

Any email you send to your sphere goes through your normal email account.

Secure & Private

We take your privacy seriously, and conduct regular security audits.

We wrote the book on maintaining relationships.
No, really.

We have over a decade under our belt obsessing about how to build tools to nurture relationships, previously founding the beloved Contactually CRM (RIP!), writing the bestselling Success is in your Sphere, speaking, and more. We wish we know how to stop!

Start free trial

Get started improving your relationships today.

Join the thousands of professionals and their teams who cultivate the relationships that matter to them. Don't worry - it's totally free for 10 days, so give it a spin!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question we didn't answer here? Join our next webinar or contact us.

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FAQs - Saaslify X Webflow Template

Can I try your product for free?

Yes, try Relatable at no cost for 10 days. You don't like it? No worries, we can permanently wipe your data to keep your information secure.

Can I integrate Relatable with...

Most likely! Relatable connects with Gmail, Exchange, and more email/calendar providers, and can import spreadsheets from anywhere. You can also connect Relatable with thousands of other applications with Zapier, no coding required. We have a full API coming soon!

How much does it cost?

$44/mo. Pay month to month. Nothing weird.

Can you track my phone calls, text messages, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Signal messages?

We wish. Unfortunately platforms like those don't let you access your own information outside of their applications. We do however work with email and calendar, where the vast majority of our professioanl conversations happen. We're constantly monitoring and checking!

Are you safe?

Relatable is hosted with data providers that provide top-of-the-line security. In addition to building with trust and security in mind, with all the best practices, we also undergo regular audits with a third party.

Are you venture backed?

Relatable is 100% funded by our customers.