Go from "I want to be better" to "I am better" with your network.

Get Started

Bring it in.

Relatable automagically brings in people from your email, phone, calendar, and more. It's like a second brain, remembering conversations, birthdays, and deep dark secrets.

Bring order

Your network might feel like a jumbled mess. Well, it used to. Our Sphere system helps you structure and organize your relationships like never before.

Stay in touch

What good is your network if you don't engage with it? Relatable helps you identify and keep in touch with the relationships that matter.

“Best Analytics Tools"

What if you became the person that was always in touch and organized with the people that matter?

How would that help you?

We get it. Your most important asset are your relationships. Your relationships are crucial to generating repeat and referral customers. Your relationships create the dream partnerships, even if it takes months or years. Your relationships are how you find the right partner, gig, team, or investors for your mission.

Either way, you are confident that your network is essential, because "you can only connect the dots looking backward."

That doesn't mean it's easy. Your network feels like a vast and ever-changing sea, with a multitude of faces appearing and disappearing like waves. You have no idea who's in there, and not sure what you can do to stay afloat without drowning yourself in endless calls and emails. It keeps feeling like the people you care most about float away.

If only there was something that would keep us organized and focused on the right people.

Luckily, your life raft has arrived.

It's called Relatable, and it's built to make you even more awesome with people.

Here's how it works.

Relatable tracks the people you're interacting with (in a secure, not-creepy way), and helps you pick out the people you want to stay in touch with. For what feels like the first time ever, you can visualize your network, who's in it, and all the little details about each one of them.

Relatable acts as your personal networking coach. We'll let you know if it might be time to reconnect with one of those people you care about. We also keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, and anything else that might help you figure out who, when, and how to reach out.

There is a lot more that Relatable can do, but we want to keep it short for now.

Relatable makes you even more amazing and memorable with the relationships that matter to your job, business, and life. The world seems pretty lonely, and you have the ability to make it feel a bit more connected, each and every day.

If you're ready, create an account today to get started.

All your relationships in one place

We know - your contacts are everywhere. You've got three different emails for someone, people you only text or call, and then a random spreadsheet of "people I don't hate." Relatable brings all those contacts in, dedupes and cleans them, and gives you central, live profiles.  

Get a 🧠 second brain, but better

No offense, but your brain is kinda messy. Relatable not only lets you remember all the details on people, but it helps you structure your network with Spheres, and let's you find the exact right people. Traveling to 🤠 Austin and want to find the 🤝 Past Clients who are into 🍄 psychedelics and 🌶️ hot sauce? Click, click, click.

Be the person that never forgets

Relatable gives you the right opportunities to reach out at the right time. Every day, you'll see who has a birthday or anniversary, who announced a new job or promotion on LinkedIn, and people you haven't spoken to in a while but want to - all with you fully in control.

Stay engaged

Who to talk to is one thing. Knowing what to say is something entirely different. With all the information about the relationship at your fingertips, you can use Relatable's library of templates, draft a personalized message using our built in AI Writer, and call or text right from the app. And just wait til you see Split Messaging. All messages are sent using your normal accounts - Relatable stays totally invisible.

You can...

Relatable gives you a particular set of skills to be awesome with your relationships.

Let's GO!

Keep doing what you do

Relatable is like a ninja, quietly sneaking around, taking note of every text, email, and meeting. Except it won't hurt you - it'll just update your contacts in seconds. OK, so not like a ninja.

Work where you work

With everything accessible from any web browser, a strong mobile app, and even a LinkedIn plugin, Relatable can follow you throughout your day. Like a ninja. Ugh, there we go again.

Play well with others

Unlike a ninja (seriously we'll stop), Relatable helps you collaborate nicely with others - sharing contacts, spheres, and notes. All with your control.

We think a lot about this.

We've been writing and thinking about your network for years, and we have so much to share!

We wrote the book on relationships. Really.

Beyond being a father of two and a consumer of way too much hot sauce, I've dedicated my career to helping people like you cultivate deeper connections. Relationships have completely transformed my life, which is why I've led the creation of multiple CRMs and authored a well-regarded book. I've brought my decade of experience to help thousands of professionals like you. Let's do this!

Zvi Band, Founder and Benevolent Dictator

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost?

$44 a month. No long term contracts.

What's the difference between this and Salesforce or Hubspot?

Most CRMs like those are built for a company to manage their sales pipeline and marketing lists. That's all well and good for closing deals, but maintaining personal relationships requires a completely different mindset - and tools.

Does this integrate with _______?

We have dozens of built in integrations with email and calendar platforms, iMessage and iPhone, LinkedIn, and more. You can bring in any spreadsheet of contacts you'd like. Beyond that, we have a public API, and you can use Zapier to connect Relatable to thousands of other applications.

Can I trust you?

We sure hope so! Everything is hosted on a secure cloud infrastructure, and we regularly have security reviews conducted by an outside firm. Your data is your data - we don't see it or use it for anything other than your own use - and you can take it with you at any point in time with a simple export.